Let us know if you don’t see your question answered.


I’m an artist based in the UK but have galleries here and in NY, can I still use the service?

FASTT is completely international and can work with artists and galleries in any location. A separate account is set up for each artist/gallery relationship.

The artwork has production costs attached to it which are paid by one of the parties, how is this accounted for?

This is a very typical scenario and we ensure that all related costs are well documented and agreed by all parties, so at the time of distributing funds everyone can be certain that the correct allocations are made. The statement will detail all of these variables so it is completely clear for the artist and the gallery.

Is it possible to have an account if the artwork is priced and sold in Euros?

FASTT accounts can be set up in USD, GBP and EUR.

Will FASTT invoice the collector directly?

The gallery invoices the collector as normal, simply providing the account details for the dedicated FASTT account for the artist/gallery.

How quickly are funds paid out?

Once the payment reaches the account, both parties are alerted and a statement will be issued detailing the allocations. Once approved by both parties, funds will be disbursed to the artist and the gallery. This usually takes no longer than 10 working days.