Privacy Policy

FASTT Privacy Policy

Protecting your privacy is important to us. We will therefore responsibly manage your information, to make sure that your privacy is protected and safeguarded whilst in our hands. This privacy statement applies to all personal data provided to us through this website or otherwise.

What personal information is processed by us?

The personal information that you provide through our website or otherwise, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • name

  • address details

  • email address

  • phone number 

plus, all other information that we reasonably need to provide our services, to meet the applicable legal requirements, and to execute the necessary Customer Due Diligence checks, for which we may also use information from publicly available sources.  

Your IP address and cookies

We may automatically process technical data such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address or information based on cookies or similar technologies.

What do we use your personal data for? 

We collect the personal data you provide through this website or otherwise, among others:

  • To provide our services.

  • For compliance with regulatory requirements.

  • For marketing research and statistical analysis.

  • To review and improve our services.

  • To help us ensure that our website operates correctly.

  • To assemble anonymous, aggregated information to analyze how our website is used and if deemed necessary, to improve it. To this end we may use Google Analytics or other third-party analytics specialists to assist us.

 Your permission to us to process your personal data

 By providing personal data through our website, including your IP address, you are giving us your permission to process your personal data.

 Sharing your personal information with third parties

We work with carefully selected service providers that carry out certain tasks on our behalf. We only share the information needed by them to execute those tasks. They are required to always keep the information safe and protected. Third parties that we work with must act on our instructions and cannot use your personal information for their own purposes. The information provided by you, may also be shared in confidence with our employees, associated companies, lawyers, agents, consultants, regulatory bodies, governmental authorities, insurance companies, financial services companies, banks, third parties supporting us with our Customer Due Diligence checks, or as required for the purpose of legal proceedings, court orders, the applicable law, and regulations. We will record personal information and, to the extent required only, share your information with third parties, including the relevant authorities, in relation to the applicable Anti Money laundering and Countering Terrorist Financing laws and regulations, and to protect our customers and ourselves from involvement in related and other crimes.

Some of the organizations we share information with may store this data at a location outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) and Canada.

We keep your data secure

  • Your personal data will be treated strictly confidential.

  • We will keep your data for a limited period and in accordance with the applicable data retention laws and regulations.

  • Emails you send us are not necessarily secure when they are transmitted to us. If your communication is sensitive or contains highly confidential information, we suggest you provide the information to us by telephone, as otherwise communicated with us, or as indicated on this website.

How we manage links to other websites and social media

You may find links to other websites on ours. We are not responsible for the security, privacy policies or the personal data processed through these websites, which include social media websites. The use of those websites is covered exclusively by their terms, conditions, policies, the applicable law, and regulations.

What are your rights regarding your personal data?

Under data protection legislation you may have certain rights relating to your personal information that we process:

  • The right to be advised if we hold personal data about you.

  • The right to be receive a copy of your personal data that we have on file.

  • The right to have incorrect information about you corrected.

  • The right to restrict processing of your data, to the extent such processing is not legally required, or needed for the purpose of establishing, exercising or defending legal claims, or to protect the rights of another person or persons. *)

  • The right to erase records where they are no longer required from a business or legal point of view, including, but not limited to, for the purpose of establishing, exercising or defending legal claims, or to protect the rights of another person or persons. *)

  • The right to have your data moved by us to other service providers in a digital format.

  • Where we rely on your consent as our legal basis for use of your personal data, you have a right to withdraw your consent to such use. *)

  • The right to object to your personal data being used to send you marketing material.

  • The right to limit automated decision making and profiling in case this negatively affects you.

*) Making use of this right may affect the services that we can provide to you.

To exercise any of these rights, please contact our data protection officer.

Objections and complaints

If you believe we have not processed your personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection obligations, you may file a complaint with us by contacting our data protection officer. If you find our response is not satisfactory, you have the right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority about our processing of your personal data.

Controller processing your personal data

For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, Blue Lion International Inc. dba FASTT, is considered the controller of all personal data referred to in this Privacy Policy.

Questions? Contact us.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or the information we collect about you, please contact our data protection officer at

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time, for example, to keep it up to date or to comply with legal requirements. You may want to check this Privacy Policy for updates.

Date current version is June 4, 2021.